and then you die :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Gavin :)

Walking around fair tonight with my little brother was the best thing. A girl his age asked if I was his sister and after saying yes, I told him that he should introduce me to his friends as his girlfriend. After telling me that was really weird, he said "Hi. This is my girlfriend Kira. She's the prettiest girl here, isn't she?" It made me feel so much better about the universe.


  1. This made me "awwwh" out loud.

  2. me too! And then I bear-hugged him, which involved lifting him off the ground and spinning him around. He got embarrassed.

  3. That is so super cute! I wish my brother would do that hahaha. He never would though. We're not close at all... /:

  4. Me and Gavie are super close. I love it
