and then you die :)
Friday, March 25, 2011
quotes: part one
Quotes that will someday make it on my wall: Mistakes won't make God turn his back Maturity means knowing other people are real Why do you stay in prison when the door is wide open? People who keep a stiff upper lip find it damn hard to smile I am the final influencer of myself I'm in love! I'm in love and I don't care who knows it! Time flies when you're having fun and even when you're not... So you might as well have fun Sometimes when one person is missing the whole world feels depopulated Never mistake love for another with ignorance for yourself Big people talk about ideas, medium people talk about events, small people talk about other people If you can't win fair, just WIN Comparing yourself to others is as useless as counting the blades of grass in your neighbor's yard Do not satisfy your freedom with handouts Spiritual guidance cannot come from the spiritually weak God said help the poor AND the needy. These are often two sets of different people. Life begins when your comfort zone ends Quit what you don't love The proof of desire is in the pursuit You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams Paint a song You're responsible for your lack of faith Never regret anything because at the time, it was exactly what you wanted People do not cry because they are weak. People cry because they have been strong for too long Pretend to be sane Success come from a good backbone, not a good wishbone To conquer oneself is a greater task than to conquer others Live your life in a crescendo Life consists of two types of people: Those who act and those who are acted upon. Be in the first party. Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb up a tree, it will live its whole life thinking it is stupid. You make me happier than the ugly duckling was when he found out he was a swan you might think some of these are conflicting. i'm a conflicting person. i scored 15 blue, 10 red, 10 yellow, and 10 white on the color test. if you know what that is, then you know just how mixed-up a person i am. if not, eh.

I'm really frustrated. This picture I took a while back describes my mood almost perfectly. The sticks do say "Miss U", just in case that's not completely obvious.
Sunday, March 20, 2011

I just got insanely excited for summer. Summer. Summer summber sumtr smmre sumbtr - I'm that pumped.
I'm super thrilled for warm. And green. And grass that doesn't stick up at weird angles because it's been frozen a million times. And breezes while I'm sitting outside reading a book. Jumping on the trampoline and not freezing my feet off. Cherry Festival! That's an entire chapter in itself - hanging out and looking at the seedy booths, eating BananaKiwi shaved ice, sitting on a blanket doing nothing but being happy in the shade, going on the Zipper, being with a gaggle of friends at all times, holding hands with Trevor :) watching the performances at the bandshell, funnel cakes and sharing an onion blossom with whomever I can find. Concerts! And shorts! And ruffly skirts! Mmmmm, sandals... swimming in the canal and at the dam, floating the river, chilling in the park and swinging on the swings. Climbing trees and feeling vitamin D warming up my body. Tan legs... yessss... biking on the canal and working in the garden. Eating peas off the vine and as many raspberries as I want. Watermelon! BBQs! Outside movie parties and water fights and picnics and the Fair! Hanging out in the dusty barn with Krystal and the goats! Chillaxing with the pigs and giving them baths and feeding my shaved ice to the goat! Baby animals and BUNNY RABBITS!!!! Riding horses for hours, smelling like the sun and no more goose-bumps, no more frozen fingers and toes, swimming suits and sandy beach-towels hanging on the railing, watering the flowers and taking pictures with the sunset. Staying up late with endless sleepovers, writing poetry with my feet in the water, ponytails all the days with short-sleeved shirts and no more sweaters! I'm SO EXCITED!!!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
B&W Photography

"Just a little F.Y.I"
Everyone's afraid of things.
I'm a people.
And I'm afraid of everything. How pathetic is that?
Everyone's afraid of things.
I'm a people.
And I'm afraid of everything. How pathetic is that?
So I know that this isn't my personal diary or anything (side note, I kept a diary for two years. Wrote in it every day. "Today I..." it was basically a travel log. I ended up thinking "Hey, this is bullcrap. I don't write about my feelings at all. I'm too afraid to. Maybe someone will read it." so I stopped, this January. Just quit, cold turkey. I picked it back up again a few weeks ago, wrote down the major events - like how my favoritest teacher ever, Ms. Lyons, is going to Korea next year to teach band there and abandoning me, or how I met Trevor and I'm so happy and the major conversations we've had - but then I realized I was doing the same thing. So again, it's over. But I had to vent somewhere, so I remembered my blog and picked it back up and brought it out of the closet. And now I'm writing my feelings, a bit at least, more than my Dear Diary ever saw, and it feels weird but nice. Even if no one reads it, it's like simply sending my regular human feelings out into the Interwebs to maybe be picked up by someone is calming down some of the inner issues. Although I don't ever talk about the major issues and never will, it's the thought that I could that matters) (That was the longest side note ever) and oh dear I can't even remember where I was going with this before I splattered my thoughts all over the screen. I think it had something to do with how much you (assuming you're even there) are going to read about my insecurities and fears. It'll probably get really depressing and boring. So, like me with my diary, feel free to quite cold turkey anytime. It won't bother me as long as you don't tell me about it.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Guard Dogs and Laser Beams
I have a wall. I like to think that it's a teeny tiny decorative wall with footholds for climbing over... But I don't think that's it.
Trains. Again. Sorry.

I think I have an obsession with trains. And I haven't a clue why. Maybe it goes back to when I went to Europe and we traveled by train all the time. And there was nothing better than knowing that we had the entire train to ourselves for three hours and we could just sit in an empty, cushy compartment and play chess forever with the pastoral scenes edging by. Maybe it's because trains are the epitome of everything I love - comfort, travel, slower-paced, old-fashioned. Or maybe it's just because the Hogwarts Express is the bomb-diggedy.

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